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Example: TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotationsTest directives
/* */ import java.lang.annotation.*; public class TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations { @Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.CLASS) @Target(value = { ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE, ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR, ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PACKAGE, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE }) public @interface Annotation1 { byte byteValue() default 1; char[] charValue() default { 'a', 'b' }; double doubleValue(); float floatValue(); int[] intValue(); long longValue(); short shortValue(); boolean[] booleanValue(); String[] stringValue(); } @Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(value = { ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE, ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR, ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PACKAGE, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE }) public @interface Annotation2 { enum Direction { NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, EAST }; Direction value1(); Class value2(); Class<? extends Number>[] value3() default Integer.class; } @Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(value = { ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE, ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR, ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PACKAGE, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE }) public @interface Annotation3 { Annotation1[] value1() default { @Annotation1(byteValue = 1, intValue = { 4 }), @Annotation1(charValue = { 'a', 'b' }, booleanValue = { true }), @Annotation1(floatValue = 1.23f, stringValue = { "Hello", "Can!" })}; Annotation2[] value2() default { @Annotation2(value1 = TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations.Annotation2.Direction.NORTH, value2 = Object.class, value3 = { Byte.class, Integer.class }), @Annotation2(value1 = TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations.Annotation2.Direction.SOUTH, value2 = StringBuffer.class, value3 = { Float.class, Double.class })}; } public void method1( @Annotation1(doubleValue = 4.56, floatValue = 7.89f, intValue = { 10, 11 }, longValue = 12, shortValue = 13, booleanValue = { true, false }, stringValue = { "Hello" }) byte b, @Annotation1(doubleValue = 0.00, floatValue = 7.89f, intValue = { 10, 11 }, longValue = 12, shortValue = 13, booleanValue = { true, false }, stringValue = { "Can!" }) int i, @Annotation2(value1 = TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations.Annotation2.Direction.NORTH, value2 = Object.class, value3 = { Byte.class, Integer.class }) double d, @Annotation3( value1 = { @Annotation1(byteValue = 1, charValue = { 'a', 'b' }, doubleValue = 1.23, floatValue = 4.56f, intValue = { 2, 3, 4}, longValue = 5, shortValue = 6, booleanValue = { true, false }, stringValue = { "Hello", "Can!" }), @Annotation1(byteValue = 2, charValue = { 'c', 'd' }), @Annotation1(byteValue = 3) }, value2 = { @Annotation2(value1 = TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations.Annotation2.Direction.NORTH, value2 = Object.class, value3 = { Byte.class, Integer.class }), @Annotation2(value1 = TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations.Annotation2.Direction.SOUTH, value2 = StringBuffer.class, value3 = { Float.class, Double.class })}) String s) { } public static void main(String[] args) { TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations tcrvpa = new TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations(); tcrvpa.method1((byte)1, 2, 3.45, "Hello Can!"); } }
> javac > java ClassFileAnalyzer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations.class > java ClassFileAnalyzer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation1.class > java ClassFileAnalyzer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2.class > java ClassFileAnalyzer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation3.class > java ClassFileAnalyzer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction.class
; TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations.j
; Generated by ClassFileAnalyzer (Can)
; Analyzer and Disassembler for Java class files
; (Jasmin syntax 2,
; ClassFileAnalyzer, version 0.7.0
.bytecode 50.0
.class public TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations
.super java/lang/Object
; one line
.inner interface public static abstract annotation Annotation3
inner TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation3
outer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations
; one line
.inner interface public static abstract annotation Annotation2
inner TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2
outer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations
; one line
.inner interface public static abstract annotation Annotation1
inner TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation1
outer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations
; one line
.inner class public static final enum Direction
inner TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction
outer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2
.method public <init>()V
.limit stack 1
.limit locals 1
.line 6
0: aload_0
1: invokespecial java/lang/Object/<init>()V
.line 48
4: return
.end method
.method public method1(BIDLjava/lang/String;)V
.limit stack 0
.limit locals 6
.line 114
0: return
.annotation visibleparam 3 LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2;
value1 e LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction; = NORTH
value2 c = Ljava/lang/Object;
value3 [c = Ljava/lang/Byte; Ljava/lang/Integer;
.end annotation
.annotation visibleparam 4 LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation3;
value1 [@ LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation1; = .annotation
byteValue B = 1
charValue [C = 97 98
doubleValue D = 1.23
floatValue F = 4.56
intValue [I = 2 3 4
longValue J = 5
shortValue S = 6
booleanValue [Z = 1 0
stringValue [s = "Hello" "Can!"
.end annotation
byteValue B = 2
charValue [C = 99 100
.end annotation
byteValue B = 3
.end annotation
value2 [@ LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2; = .annotation
value1 e LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction; = NORTH
value2 c = Ljava/lang/Object;
value3 [c = Ljava/lang/Byte; Ljava/lang/Integer;
.end annotation
value1 e LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction; = SOUTH
value2 c = Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;
value3 [c = Ljava/lang/Float; Ljava/lang/Double;
.end annotation
.end annotation
.annotation invisibleparam 1 LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation1;
doubleValue D = 4.56
floatValue F = 7.89
intValue [I = 10 11
longValue J = 12
shortValue S = 13
booleanValue [Z = 1 0
stringValue [s = "Hello"
.end annotation
.annotation invisibleparam 2 LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation1;
doubleValue D = 0.0
floatValue F = 7.89
intValue [I = 10 11
longValue J = 12
shortValue S = 13
booleanValue [Z = 1 0
stringValue [s = "Can!"
.end annotation
.end method
.method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
.limit stack 6
.limit locals 2
.line 118
0: new TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations
3: dup
4: invokespecial TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations/<init>()V
7: astore_1
.line 120
8: aload_1
9: iconst_1
10: iconst_2
11: ldc2_w 3.45
14: ldc "Hello Can!"
; one line
16: invokevirtual
.line 121
19: return
.end method
; TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation1.j
; Generated by ClassFileAnalyzer (Can)
; Analyzer and Disassembler for Java class files
; (Jasmin syntax 2,
; ClassFileAnalyzer, version 0.7.0
.bytecode 50.0
; one line
.interface public abstract annotation
; Flag ACC_SUPER not set, see JVM spec
.super java/lang/Object
.implements java/lang/annotation/Annotation
.annotation visible Ljava/lang/annotation/Retention;
value e Ljava/lang/annotation/RetentionPolicy; = CLASS
.end annotation
.annotation visible Ljava/lang/annotation/Target;
; one line
value [e Ljava/lang/annotation/ElementType; = ANNOTATION_TYPE CONSTRUCTOR
.end annotation
; one line
.inner interface public static abstract annotation Annotation1
inner TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation1
outer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations
.method public abstract byteValue()B
.annotation default
B = 1
.end annotation
.end method
.method public abstract charValue()[C
.annotation default
[C = 97 98
.end annotation
.end method
.method public abstract doubleValue()D
.end method
.method public abstract floatValue()F
.end method
.method public abstract intValue()[I
.end method
.method public abstract longValue()J
.end method
.method public abstract shortValue()S
.end method
.method public abstract booleanValue()[Z
.end method
.method public abstract stringValue()[Ljava/lang/String;
.end method
; TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2.j
; Generated by ClassFileAnalyzer (Can)
; Analyzer and Disassembler for Java class files
; (Jasmin syntax 2,
; ClassFileAnalyzer, version 0.7.0
.bytecode 50.0
; one line
.interface public abstract annotation
; Flag ACC_SUPER not set, see JVM spec
.super java/lang/Object
.implements java/lang/annotation/Annotation
.annotation visible Ljava/lang/annotation/Retention;
value e Ljava/lang/annotation/RetentionPolicy; = RUNTIME
.end annotation
.annotation visible Ljava/lang/annotation/Target;
; one line
value [e Ljava/lang/annotation/ElementType; = ANNOTATION_TYPE CONSTRUCTOR
.end annotation
; one line
.inner interface public static abstract annotation Annotation2
inner TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2
outer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations
; one line
.inner class public static final enum Direction
inner TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction
outer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2
; one line
.method public abstract
.end method
.method public abstract value2()Ljava/lang/Class;
.end method
.method public abstract value3()[Ljava/lang/Class;
.annotation default
[c = Ljava/lang/Integer;
.end annotation
.signature "()[Ljava/lang/Class<+Ljava/lang/Number;>;"
.end method
; TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation3.j
; Generated by ClassFileAnalyzer (Can)
; Analyzer and Disassembler for Java class files
; (Jasmin syntax 2,
; ClassFileAnalyzer, version 0.7.0
.bytecode 50.0
; one line
.interface public abstract annotation
; Flag ACC_SUPER not set, see JVM spec
.super java/lang/Object
.implements java/lang/annotation/Annotation
.annotation visible Ljava/lang/annotation/Retention;
value e Ljava/lang/annotation/RetentionPolicy; = RUNTIME
.end annotation
.annotation visible Ljava/lang/annotation/Target;
; one line
value [e Ljava/lang/annotation/ElementType; = ANNOTATION_TYPE CONSTRUCTOR
.end annotation
; one line
.inner interface public static abstract annotation Annotation1
inner TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation1
outer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations
; one line
.inner interface public static abstract annotation Annotation2
inner TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2
outer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations
; one line
.inner class public static final enum Direction
inner TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction
outer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2
; one line
.inner interface public static abstract annotation Annotation3
inner TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation3
outer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations
; one line
.method public abstract
.annotation default
[@ LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation1; = .annotation
byteValue B = 1
intValue [I = 4
.end annotation
charValue [C = 97 98
booleanValue [Z = 1
.end annotation
floatValue F = 1.23
stringValue [s = "Hello" "Can!"
.end annotation
.end annotation
.end method
; one line
.method public abstract
.annotation default
[@ LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2; = .annotation
value1 e LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction; = NORTH
value2 c = Ljava/lang/Object;
value3 [c = Ljava/lang/Byte; Ljava/lang/Integer;
.end annotation
value1 e LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction; = SOUTH
value2 c = Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;
value3 [c = Ljava/lang/Float; Ljava/lang/Double;
.end annotation
.end annotation
.end method
; TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction.j
; Generated by ClassFileAnalyzer (Can)
; Analyzer and Disassembler for Java class files
; (Jasmin syntax 2,
; ClassFileAnalyzer, version 0.7.0
.bytecode 50.0
; one line
.class public final enum
.super java/lang/Enum
; one line
; one line
.inner interface public static abstract annotation Annotation2
inner TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2
outer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations
; one line
.inner class public static final enum Direction
inner TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction
outer TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2
; one line
.field public static final enum NORTH
; one line
.field public static final enum SOUTH
; one line
.field public static final enum WEST
; one line
.field public static final enum EAST
; one line
.field private static final synthetic $VALUES
; one line
.method public static
.limit stack 1
.limit locals 0
.line 41
; one line
0: getstatic TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction/
$VALUES [LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction;
; one line
3: invokevirtual [LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction;
6: checkcast [LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction;
9: areturn
.end method
; one line
.method public static valueOf(Ljava/lang/String;)
.limit stack 2
.limit locals 1
.line 41
0: ldc_w "TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction"
3: aload_0
; one line
4: invokestatic
7: checkcast TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction
10: areturn
.end method
.method private <init>(Ljava/lang/String;I)V
.limit stack 3
.limit locals 3
.line 41
0: aload_0
1: aload_1
2: iload_2
3: invokespecial java/lang/Enum/<init>(Ljava/lang/String;I)V
6: return
.signature "()V"
.end method
.method static <clinit>()V
.limit stack 4
.limit locals 0
.line 41
0: new TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction
3: dup
4: ldc "NORTH"
6: iconst_0
; one line
7: invokespecial TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction/
; one line
10: putstatic TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction/
NORTH LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction;
13: new TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction
16: dup
17: ldc "SOUTH"
19: iconst_1
; one line
20: invokespecial TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction/
; one line
23: putstatic TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction/
SOUTH LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction;
26: new TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction
29: dup
30: ldc "WEST"
32: iconst_2
; one line
33: invokespecial TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction/
; one line
36: putstatic TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction/
WEST LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction;
39: new TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction
42: dup
43: ldc "EAST"
45: iconst_3
; one line
46: invokespecial TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction/
; one line
49: putstatic TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction/
EAST LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction;
52: iconst_4
53: anewarray TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction
56: dup
57: iconst_0
; one line
58: getstatic TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction/
NORTH LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction;
61: aastore
62: dup
63: iconst_1
; one line
64: getstatic TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction/
SOUTH LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction;
67: aastore
68: dup
69: iconst_2
; one line
70: getstatic TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction/
WEST LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction;
73: aastore
74: dup
75: iconst_3
; one line
76: getstatic TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction/
EAST LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction;
79: aastore
; one line
80: putstatic TestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction/
$VALUES [LTestCanRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations$Annotation2$Direction;
83: return
.end method